U.S. Regional and Demographic Section: Small Town Independence Day Celebration (1909)

Figure 1.-- Here we see people in the streets of of Lamar Colorado in 1909. Lamar was a small town in northwestern Colordo. The people in the stree seems to be celebrating Indepedence Day, althogh ot does nt seen to be July 4. The written date is difficult to read, but looks like July 3 or 5. We don't see many girls, but there are a lot of boys in front. The boys are looking up at the sky. Perhaps they were shooting off fire works. Some of the boys are shooting their sling shots. No PC compliant toys at the time. Notice all the different caps and hats. Virtually all the boys are wearing knickers and long stockings.

Here we see people in the streets of of Lamar Colorado in 1909. Lamar was a small town in northwestern Colordo. At the time nearly 3,000 people lived there. It was the county seat in a farming area. Although a small towm, it as the not populous town in the county. The people in the stree seems to be celebrating Indepedence Day, although ot does not seen to be July 4. The written date is difficult to read, but looks like July 3 or 5. We don't see many girls. We are guessing that they were required to stay at home more. There are a lot of boys in front having a good time. The boys are looking up at the sky. Perhaps they were shooting off fire works. Some of the boys are shooting their sling shots. No PC compliant toys at the time. Notice all the different caps and hats. Virtually all the boys are wearing knickers and long stockings. It is a good indication of how prevalent knee pants were. The photograph also shows how quickly knee pants had replaced knee pants by the end of the decade. It also shows how quickly and completely knickers had replaced knee ants, even well away from the big city fashion centers.


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Created: 12:29 AM 2/22/2017
Last updated: 12:29 AM 2/22/2017