* United States boys clothes : The 1940s garments -- sweaters

United States Boys' Clothes: The 1940s--Sweater Usage

Figure 1.--Here we see a group of boys enjoying an outing to the circus in 1942. Most of the biys are wearing sweaters. Notuce that they have dressed up with ties. The press caption read, "Having a Wonderful Time at Circus New York: Circus clown Cgarkles Bell holds up his 'two-headed' dog for the inspection of youngsters attending a special performance of the Big Show at madison Square Garden today, for underprivileged children." The photograph is dated May 4, 1942.

Sweaters were useful garments and very versatile. They can be worn for dressing up, school, play, and outdoorwear in chilly weather. The only problem for boys is that they are some times taken off when it warms up and thus can be easily lost. At the beginning of the century boy wore suit jackets and sweaters were not all that common. That began to change in the 1910s and by the 1940s sweaters were still very common. And the popularity of suits was declining. Boys were wearing sweaters much more commnly than suits. Quite a few boys wore sweaters instread of a suit jacket, especially boy from the lower income spectrum. The boys here are a good example (figure 1). We see suits not only being worn when dressing up. Sweaters were worn for a wide range of activities. With a tie, they could be rather formal. Without a ties they coukd be worn for a wide range of casual occassions. We see sweaters being worn for school, play, and many outdoor activities.


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Created: 10:47 AM 9/25/2020
Last updated: 10:47 AM 9/25/2020