United States Boys' Clothes: Actual Ages

Figure 1.--This portrait shows three American brothers about 1910. The two older brothers are are both wearing middy blouses with bloomer knickers. They look about 7 and 5 years old. Another popular outfit for boys this age at the time was tunic suits. Their little brother who wears a very plain frock looks to be about 2 years old. At the time outfits like his older brothers are wearing did not come in his size. The portrait was taken by Sullivan & Hanley of Kansas City, Missouri. While the two seated brothers are dressed alike, except for the white stockings, note the different hair style.

Here we can look at the clothing worn by American boys at specific ages. This of course changed substantially over time with changing fashion trends and child raising conventions. Looking at the popular styles at each age over time, however, provides interesting insights on fashion trends and conventions. Families varied on the appropriate age conventions for their children. This was especially true in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Family variations have become less pronounced by the mid-20th century because of the growing importane of the mass media and increasing influence of children in the family. An important facror here was the concept of teenager which was a term not even used in the 19th century.


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Created: 5:32 PM 8/22/2007
Last updated: 10:26 PM 8/22/2007