*** United States Families: Swayze Family

United States Families: Swayze Family (1893-94?)

Figure 1.-- This cabinet card portrait shows a family identified as the "Geo. Swayze family" -- meaning George Swayze. There are six children with mom and dad, all of whom have a distinct family resemblance. There are two older girls, three young boys and a baby who might be either a girl or a boy. The boys look to be about 4-12 years old. The girls look more like young women. They are all decked out in their best best outfits. They are dressed a little differently, but we see Norfolk styling. The younger boys have floppy bows. The older boy has a cross tie, a style that was not very common at the time. One has what looks like an Eton collar. The studio set is a Victorian parlor. The portait is undated, but we would guess was taken about 1893-94.

This cabinet card portrait shows a family identified as the "Geo. Swayze family" -- meaning George Swayze. There are six children with mom and dad, all of whom have a distinct family resemblance. There are two older girls, three young boys and a baby who might be either a girl or a boy. The boys look to be about 4-12 years old. The girls look more like young women. They are all decked out in their best best outfits. They are dressed a little differently, but we see Norfolk styling. The younger boys have floppy bows. The older boy has a cross tie, a style that was not very common at the time. One has what looks like an Eton collar. The studio set is a Victorian parlor. The portait is undated, but we would guess was taken about 1893-94.


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Created: 11:55 AM 3/15/2019
Last updated: 11:55 AM 3/15/2019