*** United States fashionable family about 1895

Fashionable Family (Coopertown New York, about 1895)

Figure 1.-- This cabinet card portrait has no information except the studio identification: Telfer studio in Cooperstown, New York. Cooperstown of course is famous as the birthplace of baseball. While there is no date on the mount, we can relably date the portrait to bout 1895 because of the fashionnle huge ballon sleeve dresses the mother and daughter are wearing. We can't see much of the beared father's suit. The boy probably is the grandson of the older couple here. He looks to be about 5 years old. The wears a knee pants sack suit with a fancy Fauntleroy blouse. The jacket is unbuttoned to show off the fancy front of the blouse. The white whicker furtniture often means the early-1900s, but the fashionable dress style is an even stronger date indicator. This is useful in dating the scroll edging.

This cabinet card portrait has no information except the studio identification: Telfer studio in Cooperstown, New York. Cooperstown of course is famous as the birthplace of baseball. While there is no date on the mount, we can relably date the portrait to bout 1895 because of the fashionnle huge ballon sleeve dresses the mother and daughter are wearing. We can't see much of the beared father's suit. The boy probably is the grandson of the older couple here. He looks to be about 5 years old. The wears a knee pants sack suit with a fancy Fauntleroy blouse. The jacket is unbuttoned to show off the fancy front of the blouse. The white whicker furtniture often means the early-1900s, but the fashionable dress style is an even stronger date indicator. This is useful in dating the scroll edging.


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Created: 1:58 AM 11/24/2018
Last updated: 1:58 AM 11/24/2018