Unidentified Iowa Family (1890s)

Figure 1.-- Here we see an unidentified family of six. There are four kids. We are not sure if the other lady is an aunt or older child. They were from Red Oak, Iowa. They seem rather well dressed for a farm family. The children look about 5-14 years old. Both boys are dressed in similar knee pants suits with floppy bows, but without the big coolars that were populsr at the time. Of course we can't see what the boys were wearing under their jackets. The portrait is undated, but the clothing styles and mount style are clearly from the 1890s.

Here we see an unidentified family of six. There are four kids. We are not sure if the other lady is an aunt or older child. They were from Red Oak, Iowa. They seem rather well dressed for a farm family. The children look about 5-14 years old. Both boys are dressed in similar knee pants suits with floppy bows, but without the big coolars that were populsr at the time. Of course we can't see what the boys were wearing under their jackets. The portrait is undated, but the clothing styles and mount style are clearly from the 1880s.


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Created: 10:01 PM 8/25/2010
Last updated: 10:02 PM 8/25/2010