This looks to us like a large family reunion. It looks like everyone has gathered at the home of the family patriarch. The family is unidentified and there is no notation on the portrait. It is a fairly rare image as photography at the time was still mostly studio work. We can tell by the clothing that the portrait was taken in the 1890s. The women's baloon sleeves are a unique feature of 1890s dresses. It is a large format cabinet card (7-3/4 x 9-3/4 in) with the whole family in front of the subsantial, emaculately kept wood plank family home with a white picket fence. It looks to be a middle-class family in comfortable circumstances. There is no indication where the family lived, but the conifers in the front yard suggest the Pacific northwest to us. As so many family members are involved we have a wonderful roughly dated exposition as to how men, women, and children of all ages dressed. The boys were knee pants suits. One boy has an Eton collar an another wears a sailor suit. The girls wear dresses. One child wearing a white dress looks rather like a boy, but some girls at the time has short hair. This of course varied from family to family. And at the time it was still fairly common for younger boys to wear dresses before beeching, the last decade that we see boys this age wearing dresses to any extent. He looks to be about 5-6 years old. Notice how is big sister's hair is done completely differently. We suspect that if they were sisters there would not have been suh aifference in the hair styling.
All the children wear black long stockings which were stadard in the 1890s.
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