U.S. Families: The Beasley Family (1890)

Figure 1.--We note a portrait of the Beasley family in 1890. The portrait was taken in Tennesse, but we are unsure just where. It looks to be a farm fmily or at least a family in a rural area. Presumably the portrit was taken by an itinerate photographer as the photograph was taken outside the family home. There are four sons and and three daughters.

We note a portrait of the Beasley family in 1890. The portrait was taken in Tennesse, but we are unsure just where. It looks to be a farm fmily or at least a family in a rural area. Presumably the portrit was taken by an itinerate photographer as the photograph was taken outside the family home. There are four sons and and three daughters. One of the daughters may be an aunt. The boys all wear suits. The jackets have what look like men styling, but with differently cut lapels. The younger boys wear kneepants and are barefoot. Notice all but the oldest boy has close cropped hair.


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Created: May 28, 2004
Last updated: May 28, 2004