*** United States boys clothes: 1890s rural family

Unidentified Iowa Farm Family (United States, 1890s)

Figure 1.-- This family had eight children. I think this and the fact theportrait was taken in a small town means that this was a farm family. The portrait we have seems to be yhe older children, two girls and a boy. They look about 9-13 years old. The girls wear identical collars, but with slightly different lace collars. We're not sure about the color of the dresses, but it was a dark color. The major difference is their hair. One has shrt hair and the other long hair. The boy is wears a darkl blouse and bow.

This family had eight children. I think this and the fact theportrait was taken in a small town means that this was a farm family. The portrait we have seems to be yhe older children, two girls and a boy. They look about 9-13 years old. The girls wear identical collars, but with slightly different lace collars. We're not sure about the color of the dresses, but it was a dark color. The major difference is their hair. One has shrt hair and the other long hair. The boy is wearing a sailor outfit. The photogrpher was the Fenner Brothers in Creston, Iowa. The portrait is not dated, but the clothing styles and perforated mount suggests the 1890s to us.


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Created: 9:16 PM 6/2/2008
Last updated: 9:16 PM 6/2/2008