The Back family had their portrait taken in 1898. They were from Harrodsburg, Indiana, a small town south of Bloomington. This was a farming community, but we know nothing about this family. Anna Back and her husband Andrew Gordon Back had two sons, Lloyd (sitting in the front row) and Ralph (standing). Lloyd is about 11 years old; Ralph is about 15 years. The family looks to be prosperous. Here they are dressed up for a formal studio portrait. Lloyd wears an
impeccable knee pants suit with long black stockings and hightop shoes. Notice his hair neatly parted in the center. Ralph, who also has a center part, wears an equally dressy single-breasted suit. He is also probably wearing knee pants and black stockings like his younger brother although we can't be sure because his lower body is hidden. The boys' father, Andrew Gordon Back, sits in a chair to the right.
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