Clarissa and James Jones (Springfield, Illinois--1913)

Figure 1.--This formal portrait shows Lewis Overaker's mother, Clarissa Jones, at the age of 2 years, with her older brother James Jones, Lewis's uncle (aged 6). This photo was taken in 1913 in Springfield, Ill. The children are dressed for a formal studio portrait. The girl wears a white dress, white long stockings, white spats and black shoes. Her older brother wears a tunic suit done in the sailor style, but all white without stripes.

This formal portrait shows Lewis Overaker's mother, Clarissa Jones, at the age of 2 years, with her older brother James Jones, Lewis's uncle (aged 6). This photo was taken in 1913 in Springfield, Ill. The children are dressed for a formal studio portrait. The girl wears a white dress, white long stockings, white spats and black shoes. Her older brother wears a tunic suit done in the sailor style, but all white without stripes. The silor collar was ruffled. This was a popular style at the time, including the all-white outfits. The outfit has a white dickey and a black belt. With his tunic suit he wears matching white bloomer knickers and, white long stockings, and black button-spats over his black shoes. James hair is cut in bangs. Clarissa wearing an infant dress has a center part.


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Created: 2:01 AM 5/7/2006
Last updated: 2:01 AM 5/7/2006