United States Boys' Caps: Chronology--20th Century

Figure 1.--This unidentified cabient portrait shws boys in a totem pole pose wearing Glengaries and sailor caps. It is undated, but looks like the 1900s to us. We think that the bys or from the same family, Perhaps with a cousin or two thrown in. The boys look to be about 5-13 years of age. This is the last decde that we see Glengaries to any extent. Boy caps styls would have been worn by boys from well-to-o families.

The importance of hats shifted with the 20th century. Hats were still worn during the first half of the 20th century, but caps became more common. There was a proliferation of cap styles in the 1880s-1900s. There were social class variations, although in the second half of the century, hats became rare. There was a range of different cap styles in the early-20th century. Most had visors (bills/peaks), but the crowns varied considerably. We see peaked caps (called a school cap in England), flat caps, and a kind of peaked military style. We still see some Glengaries in the 1900s, but mostly with upper-class families. nd we see sailor caps in the1900s-10s, but far fewer after World Wat I kn the 1920s. The flat cap was seen in the 1900, but as one of many popular styles. Ths changed and the flat cap between the standard boys' cap during the 1910s and 20s. Girls and younger boys might wear berets. There were other choices such as the aviator cap, but this was more of a winter cap. Beanies were also popular. Sailir swabbie caos became popular in the World War II era. Beanies became popuar in the 1910s as did swabie caps in the 30s. There were also various cold weather caps. Stocking caps were wideky worn,. The peaked cap continued to be worn, but acquired a kind of upper-class image and eventually a little boy image. The once dominat fkat cap began to declin in popularity aftr te early-50s. The baseball cap slowly emerged as the dominant headwear style. We see boyswearing homberg hats in te 50s, ut this was a short lived phenomenon. By the 60s boys no longer wore headwear when dressng up. Cap might be wrn for nclement weater. Caps became a casualitem. And thge only importnt style was the baseball cap.


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Created: 10:46 AM 8/13/2014
Last updated: 10:46 AM 8/13/2014