U.S. Flat Cap Accompanying Clothes: Sailor Suits

Figure 1.--Here we see an unidentified boy wearing aflat cap with a sailor suit. He looks to be about 6 years old, probably a first grader in school. Notice his sailor suit does not have traditional stripe detailing. The mount suggests the portrait was taken in the early-1900s, probanly 1900-05.

Sailor suits and flats caps were two very popular styles, but not all that commonly worn together. we also see a few boys wearing flat caps with sailor suits. This also was not very common, but flat caps and sailor suits were so common that we do see them worn together. This was usually not the sailor suits with the traditional detailing. The boys here tended to be younger school-age boys. Most of the examples come from the the early-20 century. At the time the sailor suit was becoming worn by increasingly younger boys and the flat cap was becoming increasingly popular. There was a age overlap. The older boys wearing sailor suits were some of the younger school-age boys wearing flat caps.


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Created: 7:35 PM 3/19/2012
Last updated: 7:36 PM 3/19/2012