United States Boys' Cap Styles: Brimless Conical Caps

Figure 1.-- The cap here looks to be a conical cap, but if you look closely seens to seems to have a peak that folds sown like a flap. The boy is Carlton R. Gardner, an American boy we think in the 1880s.

This is a cap thst we have mno idea what to call. It is a brimless cap with tapered sides resaching a point or a near point at the crown. The best known example is a dunce cap. But the examples we have foind are much shorter than the classic tall dunce cap. It was a relatively rare cap style, but e have noted a few examples. Smme we note was done in velvet and was a relatively soft cap worn by a young boy in a white dress during the 1880s. It is a little difficult to assess the actual shape of the cap from the single image. The cap here seems to have a cap that folds down.


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Created: 3:30 AM 8/27/2009
Last updated: 3:30 AM 8/27/2009