Unidentified American Brothers (1900s)

Figure 1.--These Massachusettes boys wear double-breated suits. The lapels seem to be set very high. They have large white collars wich we believe they were done as Eton collars. Note the matching cuffs. Both boys have colorful floppy bows. The boys look to be about 5-9 years old. Boys a little older would wear neck ties. A good exmple is two Pittsburgh brothers photographed sat about the same time.

These Massachusettes boys wear double-breated suits. The lapels seem to be set very high. They have large white collars wich we believe they were done as Eton collars. Note the matching cuffs. Both boys have colorful floppy bows. The boys look to be about 5-9 years old. Boys a little older would wear neck ties. A good exmple is two Pittsburgh brothers photographed sat about the same time. It is hard to see the tips of the collar here. Some of these large collsars were done as Peter Pan collars, but these were probsably pointed Eton collsars. The collars here seem to lay down on the suit more than the stiff Eton collars we see Nitisdh boys wearing. The French cuffs were not very common, but Eton collars were much more common. We think that there was a social class component with Eton collasrs. They seem much more common with affluent than working-class families.


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Created: 5:18 PM 2/13/2010
Last updated: 5:18 PM 2/13/2010