United States Boys' Floppy Bows: Specific Colors--Brown Shades

Figure 1.--Here we see a colorized image of an unidentified younger boy wearing a Fauntleroy blouse with a brown flopp bow. One might think that he was wearing briwn panys, but gthey were colorized blue.

We had thought that the floppy boys were often bright colors, at least the ones that were not black and white. It seems a bit strange to have a fancy floppy bow and do it in a rather plain color. But that is a modern assessment. Mothers at the time msy have had entirely duifferent perspectives. Some colorized images show brown bows. Of course a colorized image is not the same as a color photograph. But we suspect that colorized images often wree the right color. we think that a mother paying a good price to have an image colorized would have not been pleased ro find colors radomly chosen. And we have seen orders specifying the color of the garments in the image to colorize. We do not know how common brown bows were. We do know, however, that brown was a very common color for suits and pants.


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Created: 4:44 AM 4/26/2010
Last updated: 4:44 AM 4/26/2010