United States Boys' Floppy Bow Sizes: Gender

Figure 1.--Here we see three brothers about 1890, all with large floppy bows. The cabinet portrait was taken by Frey on 708 N. Salina St, Syracuse, New York. The card has gilt edges.

It was primarily boys who wore floppy bows in the late-19th century. We see some girls wearing neck nows them, but not nearly as commonly as the boys or bows as large as the ones worn by boys in the photographic record. What is particularly notable it was boys who wore the really large floppy bows so popular in the late-19th century. Some boys were literally engulfed by huge bows and ruffled collars. You do not see similar bows for girls. Neckwear for girls was not unknoiwn, but not huge floppy bows. We are not entirely sure why this gender difference existed. Presumably it was simply an elaboration of the estsablished convetion of male neckwear. Girls wore a variety of bows, including hair bows, shoulder bows, back waist bows, shoe bows and other decorative nows. The neck bows, however, especially the large bows, seem primarily for the boys.


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Created: 2:41 AM 7/30/2009
Last updated: 2:42 AM 7/30/2009