American Shirt-like Garments: Chronological Trends--The 1910s

Figure 1.--This AZO post-cardback portrait shows a grndmother with her six gradchildren, five boys and a girl. They look to be bout 5-15 years old. The younger boys wear sailor blouses. The midle boy wears apleated blouse with a boetie. We can not tell if the older boys are wearing a shirt or blouse. The girl looks to be wearing a pimafore dress ith a blouse and large hair bow. The portrait is undated, but looks like the 1910s to us.

We see boys conunue to wear both blouses and shirts in the 1910s. Blouses become less ornate in the 1910s, but were still worn in the 1910s. Fauntleroy blouses declined and were less fancy, but we still see many boys wearing sailor blouses. School age boys still commonly wore blouses. A major factor here was that blouses were better suited for long stockings because stocking supporters were needed. Shirts had tails which interferred with the tocking supporters and shirt waists. Long stockings continued to be standard for American children, both boys and girls in the 1910s. There were different styles of blouses, including various collars. Ww still see Eton collars, but they were declining in popularity. We see shirt waists meant to be worn with detachable collars, but we do nor yet see casual collarless shirts. We continue to see mostly white shirts and blouses. Short sleeves were still standard. We see both collars ans shirts with front pleats. We see far fewer boys wearing floppy bows with their blouses. Bow ties were very popular with shirts for the older boys.


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Created: 9:18 PM 1/8/2015
Last updated: 9:18 PM 1/8/2015