American Boys' Lace Collar: Chronology--The 1890s

Figure 10--Here we see an unidentified boy was from Zaneville, Ohio. The boy wears a floppy bow and ruffled collar with eyelet lace. It is a little difficult to tell if this a blouse or a pin-on collar. The cabinet card is undated, but looks like it was taken in the late-1890s.

We see many boys in the 1890s wearing large collars. Really large collars first appeared in the mid-1880s and steadily incrwased in size. We see huge Fauntleroy collars throughout the 1890s. For the most part these were large ruffled collars. These large collars were very popular for boys. Some had lace mixed in with ruffles (figure 10). We also see pure lace collars, but ruffled collars which were less expensive and much more common. Often cut out lace was used on the large collars rather than true lace. These ruffled collars gave a visual impact that was not possible with the much more expensive lace. Some virtually engulf the small boys that wore them. Lace collars could be large, but not nearly as large as the less expensive ruffled collars. The lace collars were done in many different forms. Many boys wore blouses with large ruffles during the 1890s. The lace collars were mostly worn with suits or during the summer with fancy blouses. The ruffled collars were generally part a blouse. The lace collars were more likely to be separate pin-on collars. We see boys of all ages up nto younger teenagers wearing the ruffled collars. Somewhat younger boys wore the lace collars, especially the pure lace collars.


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Created: 10:10 PM 4/5/2010
Last updated: 12:57 AM 8/22/2010