** United States boys clothes: suits components blouse suit

United States Boys' Clothes: Suit Components--Blouse Suits

Figure 1.--This Illinois cabinet card is undated, biutwe would guess was taken about 1890. Notice the younger boys (about 4-8 years old) are wearing blouse suitsand the older boy (nout 11 years old) is weraring a jacket suit. with an Eton collar. The studio was O.C Jacobason in Pecatonich, Illinois.

We see many younger American boys wearing blouse suits. These were bloises made in suiting material, heavier than the shirtinh matrial of a noirmal blouse. The photographic images suggest that they were the same mnaterial as the pants. Matching material creating a suit. We also see boys wearing just blooses with suit pants but not the jacket, primarily during the summer. These blouses were dome in shirtinhg material and were usually white or a white color. But these are not the blouses for blouse suits. These were blouses worn with suits, both with and without jackets. Blouses suits were made without a jacket. The blouses were made to be worn without a jacket. They tended to be very plain. The blouse suits were done for younger boys and were less expensive than a jacket suit. We believe that the primary appeal was for families with more limited circumstances. Of course we do not have family details from just a portrait. But the way other family members are dressed can give some clues. The blouse suit blouses had collars done in various styles rather than lapels like the boy here (figure 1). We see these bloouse suits in the second half of the 19th century about 1870-1900. They were most common for boys up to about 10 years age.


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Created: 12:34 AM 1/17/2022
Last updated: 12:34 AM 1/17/2022