Eric Living in Italy: My Friend Paulo

Figure 1.-- I made many Italian friends. This is my best friend, Paulo. I'm 8 years old, and Paulo is already 9. I'm wearing jeans. Pablo almost always wore shorts, except when it was really cold. Note how short his socks and shorts are, even on a rather cold Fall day.

I made many Italian friends. This is my best friend, Paulo. I'm 8 years old, and Paulo is already 9. I'm wearing my American jeans. Notice the cuffs. That's how American boys wore them at the time. Paulo almost always wore shorts, except when it was really cold. Note how short his socks and shorts are, even on a rather cold Fall day. Is was very common to see boys wearing heavy sweaters and short shorts. When he went to school, he wore a black smock with white collar and blue bow. His family background is interesting. Paulo is the son of the chief of police, who just happened to be a communist in a town hosting a sensitive North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) air base. His dad and my dad were also quite friendly.


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Created: 9:34 AM 11/22/2005
Last updated: 9:34 AM 11/22/2005