British Preparatory Schools: Atmosphere--Bullying

Figure 1.-- We saw no evidence of bullying at the vast majority of the prep schools we visited. What we saw at most schools was generally happy children that had come to know each other and normally cared for each other. . 

Many British writers mebtion bullying as a problem at their schools. Even some readers has mentioned this as problem. Certainly is a serious problem at some state schools. We saw very little evidence of bullying at the schools we visited. In fact we noted a very carying enviroment. The staff very closely looked after the children and encouraged a carrying attitude among the children. Most schools take great care to ensure that the bullying that was often reported at earlier prepschools no longer occurs. Barfield in Surrey tells parents, "One of the esential principles of the system is that all boys shall, at all times, be under direct but friendly supervision. This ensures that anything approaching bullying is immediately reported to the Headmaster, and shy or nervous boys are specially encouraged and helped by the master on duty." This is not to say that no bullying occurs. This is not possible at any school. It is to say that any a caring environment, bullying can not florish. We certainly saw no evidence of it at the vast majority of the schools we visited. Evidence in fact shows that there is little physical bullying at modern prep schools, but "emotional opression" can make children just as unhappy at school at it more difficult to identify. Moor Park tells parents that they "... want the children to learn to stick up for themselves but not to the hurt of others. Equally we want the stronger among them to learn moderation toward the weaker for after all it is the mark of any civilized society; a test of its civilsation, whatever kind of community, that it can look after its weaker members, and help them to grow in that community."


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