British Preparatory Schools: Atmosphere--Seriouness

Figure 1.-- Certainly one aspect of the atmosphere of a modern prep school is the seriousness and businesslike ambiance of the classroom. The children do not fool arond, although some like any children might like to. Rather the children very seriously approach their studies. 

Certainly one aspect of the atmosphere of a modern prep school is the seriousness and businesslike ambiance of the classroom. The children do not fool arond, although some like any children might like to. Rather the children very seriously approach their studies. This is not to say that there is not humor and inquiry. It is to say that the children get right down to work and persue their assignments and class room activities with commitment and often enthusiasm. There is a general agreement among the children that this is what theu should be doing and that there studies are a beneficial effort. There is not a lot of playing about and certainly rarely any roudy behavior. Here some schools believe that the uniform, especially a formal uniforms, helps to express upon the children the seriousness of their studies, although many schools have introduced more informal uniforms as well.


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