British Preparatory Schools: Goals--Traditional Values

Figure 1.--While many characteristics of the prep schools have changed, many fundamental traditional goals continue at many schools. Despite changes most schools have retained much of the prep school tradition. Schools still stress their key role in promoting traditional values: responsible behavior, good manners, respect for authority, and consideration for others, along with a commitment to the Christian faith. Classroom organization tends to be very traditional. 

While many characteristics of the prep schools have changed, many fundamental traditional goals continue at many schools. Theories of education have undergone great changes in the past generation and these changes have significantly affected teaching methods at the modern prepschools. Most schools have added a wide range of activities to braden the range of the curiculum and to add diversion an interest. The atmosphere of the schools and physical amenities have also changed making the schools much more pleasant places to live and learn. Despite these changes most schools have retained much of the prep school tradition. Schools still stress their key role in promoting traditional values: responsible behavior, good manners, respect for authority, and consideration for others, along with a commitment to the Christian faith. Classroom organization tends to be very traditional. Alleyn Court school in Essex, like many schools, tells prospective parents that, "The training of character is considered of first importance, and special emphasis is. laid upon the necessity of proper behavior and good manners at all times." Colston's tells parents in Bristol (county?) that "stress is laid as much on character development as on academic progress." A good description of the charcter the schools aim to promote is provided by Streete Court, "He learns to speak the truth even when this is damaging to his own cause; to appreciate the point of view of others; to apply reason and understanding when views conflict and to acquire the habits of industry, discrimination and self-discipline."


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