Individual Attention: Form Levels

Figure 1.-- Educators debate many issues, but one aspect on which there is general agreement is the importance of individual attention in the early primary years. At the prep schools we visited there were rarely distractive disruptive behavior so the teachers could devote their energies to actual taching. 

Prep schools tend to have small classes accross the board, both in the junior and senior forms. This meant that there was plenty of time for hands on interaction with the younger children. This was especially important because they were working on their basic literacy and numercy skills. Educators debate many issues, but one aspect on which there is general agreement is the importance of individual attention in the early primary years. At the prep schools we visited there were rarely distractive disruptive behavior so the teachers could devote their energies to actual taching. In small classes it is rare for struggling students to be left behind. The senior forms were also generally small which meant that each student could be broyght out in class discussions or have the opportunity to ask questions. Small classes also meant tht teachers could give writing assignments nd have the time to correct tghe papers in detail and make suggestions.


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