British Preparatory Schools: Location--Cities

Figure 1.-- Some city schools with limited grounds use nearby parks. During the day, crocodiles of children on nice days move back and forth from the school to and from the parks for outdoor phyical education and sports. Note the red telephone call boxes, a once common site, but something you no longer seen in Britain. 

There are also quite a number of prep schools located in London and the other major cities. Here there are both urban and suburban schools. Most of these schools are day schools. Most of the urban schools have rather limited grounds which of course affects the prep school program. The surban schools are usually more fortunate. Some were established before the sprawling suburbs grew up around them. This affects the atmpsphere of the school and in some ways the school program. Most prep schools give an important emphasis to sports and for this games fields are needed. Some schools solve this problem, at least in part, by using nearby parks. This is an approach taken by many urban state schools. During the day, crocodiles of children on nice days move back and forth from the school to and from the parks for outdoor phyical education and sports. We note that schools in other countries have encountered the same problem. An Australin reader tells us how they have handled the problem. "My school, a boys college in Adelaide, South Australia (Christian Brothers College.) is situated in the city of Adelaide, which makes space a premium. They have over come this issue by constructing a sports field on the roof of the schools building."


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