British Preparatory Schools: Location--Northern England and Scotland

Figure 1.--Quite a number of pre schoo age boys in Scotland attended accademies rather than prep schools. Accademies were full term schools. < /I> 

Quite a number of boarding schools were located in northern England and Scotland. I am not sure why that was. Perhaps costs wre lower. Britain's excellent railway system, however, meant that they were easilyy accessible . These schools in particular declined with the economic problems of the 1970s. They have also been affected with the general economic malaise of the industrial north, Britain's version of the American rust belt. Headmasters at many fine schools in the north have had trouble maintaining their roles. Ths is especially the case with boarding schools located in small towns and rurl areas. The shift away from noarding has been a major factor here. Day schools in the more populated south have fared much better. Many of the schools that survived the 1970s are now on a much better financial foting, but the dclining boarding roles has been a continung proiblem. Here the largest drop has been in the younger age groups, espcially the early prep school years.


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