British Preparatory Schools: Location--Rural Settings

Figure 1.-- Many prep schools were initiatlly founded in rural areas. Here some manor houses and surrunding grounds could be purchased for a fraction of what similar facilities would cost in cities or even areas near cities. A rural setting with expansive grounds and stately tress was seen as healthy sites affording many opportunities for outdoor activities. This was deemed especially important for boarding schools. /I> 

Many prep schools were initiatlly founded in rural areas. Here some manor houses and surrunding grounds could be purchased for a fraction of what similar facilities would cost in cities or even areas near cities. A rural setting with expansive grounds and stately tress was seen as healthy sites affording many opportunities for outdoor activities. This was deemed especially important for boarding schools. It should be remembered that until fter World War Ii, London and other English cities had very serious pollution problems. London was notorious for its fog. In the country the children benefited from glorious fresh air. Sometimes a bit to much of it as the dormitories were generally not well heated nor was their a lot of hot wter for bathing. For years English children said their goodbyes at train stations where they were sent off to often distant boarding schools.


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