British Preparatory Schools: Location--Small Towns

Figure 1.-- This boy attended a school in a charming little Scottish town. Boarding schools are not always located in rural areas. Some schools are located in small towns. These are generally boarding schools. These schools tend to have a substantial impact on the towns, depending on the size of each.  

Boarding schools are not always located in rural areas. Some schools are located in small towns. These are generally boarding schools. These schools tend to have a substantial impact on the towns, depending on the size of each. By definition these are towns in basically rural areas. Here we find both prep schools and colleges and academies with boarding sections. The same is true of public (elite private) schools. Here the schools may be as well known, if not bettern known that the town itself. The schools usually attract a number of day students from the town or surrounding area. In some cases rivalries develop between the students and local children.


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