British Preparatory Schools E-Book: Daily Calendar

Figure 1.--Of course one of the most popular time of the day are the different breaks. American children would call one of these breaks recess. Morning break is especially popular at most schools. 

The importance of the various program elements that go into the modern prep school can usually be readily observed by the daily calendar which show the emphasis given to the various elements of the school program. The daily calendar is often a useful tool for new pareants assessing the appropriateness of an individual school for their child. School schedules vary substantially from school to school. There are, however, consistent patterns at many schools. Most of the week is devoted to academic studies; anywhere from 25-30 hours per week of classroom instruction is common. About 10-15 hours per week is common for afternoon or evening preparation, usually depending on the child’s age. Another 5-10 hours per week is usually devoted to official games and activities. The children on school teams, especially the senior boys, can spend considerably more times with sports, both practicing and in matches with other schools.

Academic Year

The academic year at most schools runs from September to July and is divided into three terms: Autumn, Spring and Summer. There are significant variations in daylight among these seasons. (Britain is at a very northern lattitude--especally Scotland.) Thus some schhols make sasonal changes in their daily schedules. There are variations from school to school but most schools deal with mid term breaks and holidays in a similar manner. Half-term breaks normally last for a week. Holidays last approximately 3½ weeks at Christmas and Easter, and a more generous 8½ weeks for the Summer.

Program Elements

The importance of the various program elements that go into the modern prep school can usually be readily observed by the daily calendar which show the emphasis given to the various elements of the school program. Often the destinctive character of the school can be seen in the daily calendar. The hours devoted to academics, games, arts, and activities are a good reflection as to the importance the schools adcribe to each program elemet.

Useful Tool

The daily calendar is often a useful tool for new pareants assessing the appropriateness of an individual school for their child. The emphasis given to the various parogram elements can readilly be noted. Parents can assess the demands made by the school as well as how well areas are supported of special interest to the child.

Major Daily Activities

The school day is a little more complicated than might be imagined, especially as the prep schools accomodate children of a significant age range and thus varying educatinal needs. School schedules also vary substantially from school to school. There are, however, consistent patterns at many schools. Most of the week is devoted to academic studies; anywhere from 25-30 hours per week of classroom instruction is common. About 10-15 hours per week is common for afternoon or evening preparation, usually depending on the child’s age. Another 5-10 hours per week is usually devoted to official games and activities. The children on school teams, especially the senior boys, can spend considerably more times with sports, both practicing and in matches with other schools. Daily schedules are relatively standard, although there are differences from school to school.

Typical Schedules

The daily schedules vary somewhat from school to school. The schedules tend to be very similar, but there are differences. Actual school schedules give a detailed idea at life at some typical prep schools. Here are some represenative schedules. Note that there are often seasonal difference at the school. Britain is located at a norther lattitude and there are thus substantial seasonal differences in hours of daylight. Of course this is especially true in Scotland.

Special Events

Schools besides the normal calendar activities also organized a wide range of special events. These events varied to some extent from school to school, but many of events were commonly persued at many prep schools. Some of these events were holiday celevrations like Guy Fawks day. Some holidays were more important tat some schools than others. One Scottish school made a major event out of Haloween , but this was not very common. Muvh more common was preparing for Christmas, although the children were at home with their families for the actual Christmasx celebration. One popular Summer event is the school fete. Most schools have them as a fund raising activity. Normally the children are encouraged to prepare many of the booths.


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