British Preparatory Schools Activities: Drama

Figure 1.--These two girls are working on a prop for the upcoming school play.  

There is a far greater attention to the perfirming arts at the modern prep school. They are worked into the program in a number of ways. The drama program varies widely from school to school. There are often classroom activities involving drama for the younger children. For the most pasrt, however, it is more of a recreatiojnal activity after class. Some schools have skit performances. There may be a skirt presentstion to the school \, sometimes with parents invited. Almost all schools do a school play at least once a year. These are major productions which vary from Shakespeare to Broadway musicals. This is a little tricky as they want play in which there are lots of child parts. "Oliver" and "Annie" of course have lots of of children, but onlu\y boys on "Oliver" and girls in "Annie". Two very popular musucals are "Oklahoma" and "Huys and Dolls". The plays have the attraction of being multi-disciple events, involvc\ving art, dance, and music. The children in particulsr enjoy all the art work needed for the sets.


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