Classroom Activities: Subjects

Figure 1.--The prep school program varied from school to school, but there was a considerable degree of similarity. This was imposed on the schools by their primary purpose, to prepare the children for their public schools. Thus the curriculum was more or less designed to conform to the guidelines established by the senior schools. While many subjects are covered, there is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy. Thus many class room activities are focused on these two primary goals. The children were given many writing assignments which were careefully reviewed by the teachers.  

The prep school program varied from school to school, but there was a considerable degree of similarity. This was imposed on the schools by their primary purpose, to prepare the children for their public schools. Thus the curriculum was more or less designed to conform to the guidelines established by the senior schools. While many subjects are covered, there is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy. Thus many class room activities are focused on these two primary goals. The children were given many writing assignments which were careefully reviewed by the teachers. Small class sizes provide the teachers the ability to give more individual attention as well as the ability to give more attention to review the children's work. Some subjects lent themselves to activities more than others. Science in particular permitted all kinds of interesting demonstrations which can easily interest the children. This of course varied with the skill and showmanship of the teacher. Teachers can also keep a variety of animals in the science room which interest the children. Science was not a universal favorite with the children. We are not entirely sure why that was. We suspect the math and precession involved did not appeal to some of the children. The art class is a favorite of many children permitting all kinds of hands on activities. Art teachers commonly prepared a program to expose the children to a wide range of medium.


While many subjects are covered, there is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy. Thus many class room activities are focused on these two primary goals. The children were given many writing assignments which were careefully reviewed by the teachers. Small class sizes provide the teachers the ability to give more individual attention as well as the ability to give more attention to review the children's work. This is perhaps more important in teaching English than any other subject.


Math is another subject to which prep schools give considerable attention.


Foreign Languages

Students at prep schools have foreign language classes from the first year. There are also usually beginning lessons in the pre-prep. The language stidies is almost alwaysFrench. A few larger schools offer other labnguages, usually for advanced students. Children in state schools were not introduced to foreign language as early, although the Goverment has now decided that every child in England will start learning a modern foreign language in primary school from the age of 7 years. The program is panned to be implemented by 2010. French has been part of the prep school program from an early stage. Latin was at first much more important, but has declined as part of the school program since World War II. Learning activities include classrrom extercizes, both written and oral, and work books. Some schools hire French nationals and a few have language labortories. Some schools stahe all-French days in the dining room. Some schools have a designated French room enlivened with colorful posters. Usually the work is done in the form regular rooms. There are usually optional trips planned to France for the children to pratcice their French a little.


Some subjects lent themselves to activities more than others. Science in particular permitted all kinds of interesting demonstrations which can easily interest the children. This of course varied with the skill and showmanship of the teacher. Teachers can also keep a variety of animals in the science room which interest the children. Science was not a universal favorite with the children. We are not entirely sure why that was. We suspect the math and precession involved did not appeal to some of the children.


The art class is a favorite of many children permitting all kinds of hands on activities. Art teachers commonly prepared a program to expose the children to a wide range of medium.


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