Photo Essays: Classroom Organization

Figure 1.--More and more prep schools were acquiring modrn classeoom furniture which provided more flexibikity as to how the class was organized. Here the boys are involved in a class project. 

Many of the schools are quite traditional with the teachers seated at their desk giving a lesson to the children facing him or her lestening and taking notes. Some schools had the older style classroom furniture that was heavy and difficult to move about. In some cases there were desks made for two to share. Given the weight and size, this meant that there was little flexibikity in how theclass was set up. But we notice many schools with lighter more modern class furniture which did allow for a fegree of flexibility. Increasingly younger teachers are introducing all kinds of innovations to classroom work. We noted the children ebgaged in a rang of projects as well as lessons done from work books. Of course this varies with the subject matter. And there was more flexibility innthe classrooms with younger children. The older children were more likely to have formal classroom arrangements and lessons.


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