Photo Essays: Prep School Libraries--Importance

Figure 1.-- One of the areas that many prep schools in the 1980s seemed deficent in was their libraries. Most of the schools had a rather limited collection of books.  

School libraries are important for a number of reasons. Two are especially important. First, academic studies have shown that a love of reading is more important for children's academic success than many other factors such as familyaffluence and class. And here availability of books is a key factor. The prep schools we visited had varius ways of dealing with book availability even sith small libraies. Many schools allowed the children to purchase inexpensive paperbacks that they were encouraged to read in their spare time. Second, an important part of a basic educatin is klearning research skills. Generally speaking the book collection at prep schools was so limited meaning that there is little opportunity for the children to learn research and library skills. Of course at this age research assignments are basic, but still an important aspect of a child's education. The older boys at most schools were given reserarch assignments. It was certainly something the children needed before entering their public schools.


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