Photo Essays: Prep Schools and Public Libraries

Figure 1.-- Some children to persue research projects made use of Britain's excellent system of public libraries. Here it was the day boys obviously that had the greatest access to public libraries. Some boys who walked or biked to school could stop at the library on the way home. This depended on where the school and public library was located. Or mum could stop by the local library on the way home.  

Some children to persue research projects made use of Britain's excellent system of public libraries. Here it was the day boys obviously that had the greatest access to public libraries. Some boys who walked or biked to school could stop at the library on the way home. This depended on where the school and public library was located. Or mum could stop by the local library on the way home. This was much more difficult for boarding school childen. Some boarding schools attempted to make up for this limitauion by arranging visits to the localmpublic library. And in some intances book mobiles visited the schools giving the children access to a much larger collection than in the school library. Here arrangement tended to differ between the various schools and their local public libraries.


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