Photo Essays: Morning Break--Activities

Figure 1.--Here a group of boys are enjoying a spirited game of riunders. The boys in the back are lined up for their turn at batting. 

All kinds of activities go on at morning break. Some of the children use the time to chat with friends. Others look forward to the opportunity to let out steam through frentic activity. There is a little rough housing with friends. All kinds of games take place which were especially popular with the boys. Here there is a surprising level of organization, but that required little supervision. Some games are more popular at some schools than others. Some are seasonal in nature and others seem to go in cycles. Children can be very scrupulous about insisting that the rules be closely followed. And there is always sports. This various by season. Cricket batting is popular, but at morning break the hard cricket ball is replaced with a tennis ball for safty sakes. Kicking about a football (soccerball) is perenial favorite. Rounders was popular at some schools. These activities are also affected by both gender and age.


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