Photo Essays: Morning Break--Age Activities

Figure 1.--These younger boys during morning break are using the rounders ball as a football.  

Here the popular games depend on the school and the available facilities as well as the age level. The boys in the pre-prep may head for the playground. Many schools have suitable platground equipment. Older boys may choose a variety of active games that were suitable for the play ground. This was the preferred activities in the standard prep school beginning about age 8 years. Some but not all all are sports related. Various tag and a kind of dodgeball game are also popular. And of course there is a goof bit of miscelsbeous running around and chasing. There were also horse and rider contests. Older boys were more interested in sports. By far the favored sport was football, depening on the area used for the break. This was a sport thsat even the younger boys could have fun at. Cricket involved a little more advanced skill set. Cricket batting using a tennis ball is popular. This could be done in the school yard without damage or gitting hit from by the ball. Much more care has to be taken when usiung criket balls.


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