Photo Essays: Morning Break--Supervision

Figure 1.--Prefects play a role in helping to supervise the younger children during morning break and at other times.  

Morning break was a time for the teachers to have a break as well. They normally headed for the teacher's lounge for, of course, a cup of tea and a chat with their colleagues. A teacher or two, depending on the size of the school would be on duty to supervise the outdoor play and look after the children. Here of course it is not possible for a single teacher to be everywhere. So often the prefects had assigned or generalized respomnsibilities. Depending on the weather the school wanted the children outside running off a little energy. Thus at most schools the children were for the most part to stay outside. There was all kinds of opportunity for mischief if the children were left unsupervised inside, especially because most of the teachers were in the teacher's lounge. This was normally not a problem because most of the children wanted to be ouside, the boys in particular.


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