Photo Essays: Evening Free Time

Figure 1.--Here the boys in a boarding house are gathered in the commons room awaiting the bed time bell in the evening. At this school the older boys had their own boarding house.  

Many schools allow the boarders to have some free time in the evening rather than stressing prep. This varies from school to school. Some schools stress prep. Other give more emphasis on free time. Here the season affects the free time options. In thewinter it gets dark early. In the summer it stays light quite a while allowing some outdoor activities. The gymnasium is often open for a variety of activities. The children may use their skteboards, skate, or ride bikes--depending on the school rules. Board games are popular, especially in the winter term. Model building is another popular ctivity. Many schools have special rooms just for ctivities like this that the chikldren enjoy. The advent of computers have ipened up other possibilities. 2of course it is mostly the older boys that have appreciable free rime in the evening. The younger children are put to bed first and then the bed times are staggered by form level.


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