Photo Essays: Uniforms--Care

Figure 1.--Here boys are enjoying a bit of a tussle during a footbal game. Notice that some boys have taken theur blazers off and other are playing in them. . 

Boys of prep school age, especially the younger ones, could care less about taking care of their uniform. Their primary interest is having a good time. And when they have free time or recreation periods, they go at it with little thought of their uniforms. The girls are henerally more concerned as are some of the older boys. But protecting their uniforms is for most of the boys the furthest thing fom their minds. Thus we see boys playing sports in their full uniform, including ties and blazers. This is fairly common at day schools. We see piles of blazers and jumpers serving as rounder bases or football goal posts. The day schools for the most part do not address this problem. It is generally considered to be the boys' and their parents' responsibilities. The boarding schools on the other hand do take responsibility and are much more likely to have rules about what can be worn when and the use of protective clothing. This is one reason the boarding schools have the boys put away their blazers. Of course the trend toward more casual clothing is in part a way of addressing this problem.


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