
Figure 1.-- Virtually all prepschools by the 1920s had uniforms and this pattern has continued to this day. There are currently a few that do not, but the number is extrmely small. There are many variations as to just what the uniform is, although there are many common patterns. Some have much more formal uniforms than others. This Scottish school had a simple uniform of jumpers and short pants, although it was worn with ties.  

Virtually all prepratory schools require uniforms. Most early prep schools in the 19th century did not have uniforms. We have seen several ptep schools in the early 20th century that did not have uniforms. After the turn of the 20th century, however, the trend at most prep schools was to adopt uniforms. The number of prep schools without uniforms dropped sharplu in the 1910s. Virtually all prepschools by the 1920s had uniforms and this pattern has continued to this day. There are currently a few that do not, but the number is extrmely small. There are many variations as to just what the uniform is, although there are many common patterns. Some have much more formal uniforms than others. School regulations concerning the uniform vary. A few schools allow the children to wear their own clothes after classess. But virtually all British prep schools have uniforms of one form or the other.


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