School Uniforms: Rules

Figure 1.--Usually prep schools wanted the children to wear coveralls and old clothes and sometimes wellies when gardening, but enforcing these rules were not always easy.  

The various prep schools had a wide range of rules which varied greatly from school to school. There were a variety of rules about different aspects of wearing the uniforms. This concerned the garments, how they were worn, and where they were worn. Schools also varied as to how strictly they enforced the various rules. Here there were also differences between boarding schools and day scholls. The boarding schools in particular tended to be concerned with how the children took care of their uniform. Almost all the schools had uniforms. Many schools required the children to wear their uniformas all the time they were at school. Other schools allowed the children to change out of their uniforfms after classes or for free time in the evening and on the weekends. All schools required the children to wear their uniforms when traveking to and from the school. Another common rule was for the children to wear coveralls, wellies, or other protective clothes when playing outside or when eggaged in activities like gardenong in which they might get their uniforms dirty. With a 100 or so active children, this rule was not easy to enforce.


Almost all British prep schools require the children to wear uniforms. There are a few exceptions, but not very many. There are a small numbet of progressive schools that do not require uniforms, but the vast majority of prep schools do require uniforms. This varies somewhat from the state system. There are primary schools that require uniform and ohers that do not. Most do not require unifoirms, but quite a number do. Most state secondary schools do require unifirms. Blscl blazers are very common. The private secondary (public) schools like the prep schools do mostly require uniforms. While most prep schools require uniforms, there is no standard style. We note quite a diversity among the unifoirms worn at the schools.

Types of Rules

The various prep schools had a wide range of rules which varied greatly from school to school. There were a variety of rules about different aspects of wearing the uniforms. This concerned the garments, how they were worn, and where they were worn. Here there was considerable variation from school to school. There were a variety of rules about specific garments. There were some rules about wearing the uniform or how the unifrm was worn. There were often rules about the uniform depending on where the children were.


Schools also varied as to how strictly they enforced the various rules. Some schools were very strict about the uniforms. Others were much more relaxed about it.

Caring for the Uniform

Another common rule was for the children to wear coveralls, wellies, or other protective clothes when playing outside or when eggaged in activities like gardenong in which they might get their uniforms dirty. With a 100 or so active children, this rule was not always easy to enforce.

Residential Arrangements

Here there were also differences between boarding schools and day scholls. The boarding schools in particular tended to be concerned with how the children took care of their uniform.


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