Following the success of Solidarity in Poland, the people of East Berlin began to demonstrate against the Easter German DDR Government. Large scale demonstrations became increasingly common. DDR officials prepared to use the security services to supress the street demonstrations. Chairman Gorbechev ibn a departure from his predecessors refused to approve such measures. Unable to forcibly supress the demonstrations, DDR officials wre forced to resign. The Berlin Wall was finally breached on November 9, 1989. The SED government announced that travel restrictions for East Germans had been lifted. That night the people of East Berlin surged into West Berlin. The West Berlin Government even passed out money for them to spend. Hundreds of thousands of Berliners celebrated throughout the night. Even more East Berliners crossed the next day. Soon Berliners armed with hammers, chissels, and sledge hammars descened upon the hated Wall and began demolishing it by hand. The Berlin boy here has a very determined look as he goes about destroying the physical emodiment of tyranny. I imagine it is one of those memories that has stayed with him all his life.
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