President Roosevelt's Fireside Chats: Family Scenes

Figure 1.-- Here we see a typical middle-class family scene from the mid-1930s when families gathered round the radio in the living room to hear President Roosevelt discuss national problems in his famous "Fireside Chats". Notice the style of the floor model radio as the center point of the room.

President Rooselvelts Fireside Chats were carefully timed to be broadcast after the family had finished dinner and sat down in their livingroom to listen to their favorite radio programs. The radios t the time were often large pieces of furnitur and in many homes dominated the living room, with the comfortable chairs and sofas being arranged around it. Most parents, especially those affected by the Depression were anxious to hear what the President had to say. Later in the 1940s the same was true during World War II. Often the children wre not as pleased as the Fireside Cchat would interupt their favorite program and they ofte had only ab hour or so after inner befor it was there bedtime. Here we see a typical middle-class family scene from the mid-1930s when families gathered round the radio in the living room to hear President Roosevelt discuss national problems in his famous "Fireside Chats" (figure 1). On the right a mother holds her young son (no older than 5 or 6 years) on her lap. The boy wears a white shirt with open collar, button-on dark shorts, and long dark tan stockings with hose supporters. His older brother to the left wears knickers with knee socks, although they are not visible at this particular angle. Their father is in shirt sleeves. Notice the style of the floor model radio as the center point of the room.


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Created: December 20, 2003
Last updated: December 20, 2003