Israel and Palestine: British Reader Comments--The Border Fence

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A British reader writes,"Some actions by Israel are provocative and inflamatory, such as building the fence 2-5 km away from the border. This is a landgrab. People who have a grievance will get around a fence. The bombers will find a new method. If the fence was in the right place, no problem. But building it where it is only causes more trouble. There are plans to extend the fence, every inch of it is miles inside Palestinian territory. The fence has gates, Jews can pass freely, to take the shortest suitable route. Palestinians have to go the long way round. Descrimination. More offence."


"Some actions by Israel are provocative and inflamatory, such as building the fence 2-5 km away from the border." The Palestinians are always justifying theur actions because of so-called provocations. In fact, Israel began building the fence AFTER the latestest Interfada and the suiside bombing began. It is an open question just who is provoking who.


"This is a landgrab. If the fence was in the right place, no problem. But building it where it is only causes more trouble. There are plans to extend the fence, every inch of it is miles inside Palestinian territory." You say that if the fence was located differently there would be no problem. I will grant you the West Bank's fence's path is a fair question. That is a topic I plan to look into. I am not at all sure that a differently sited fence would satisy the Plestinians. There was no problem with the Gaza fense and it has not stopped attacks there. The same is true with Lebanon where the border was approved by a United Nations resolution. I suspect there would be attacks even if the fense was entirely on Isreali territory.


"People who have a grievance will get around a fence. The bombers will find a new method." You know it is easy to make a sttement like "People who have a grievance will get around a fence. The bombers will find a new method." While there is no 100 % sollution, have you looked at the numbers. The number of suiside bombing attacks in Isreael have falen sharply. Just look at the numbers. The fence works.


"The fence has gates, Jews can pass freely, to take the shortest suitable route. Palestinians have to go the long way round. Descrimination. More offence." I have spent a great deal of time in Britain. I remember one time I flew to Ulster from Birmingham I think. I was the only American on the flight. The air port police pulled mee aside and grilled about who I was, what I was doing in Ulster, and went through my luggage. Now I was descrimated against. But I didn't complain because I knew what was going on at the time. My inconvenience was a small price to pay for a safe trip. I am sorry the Palestinians feel humiliated about being subjected to searches and delays. But given the alternative of such delays and indignities and the savage attacks in Isreli civilians, security trumps indignities every time. Personally I think that these suiside attacks are what the Palestinians should be ashamed of what is being done in their name. There is nothing wrong with descrimination as long as there is a coherent, justifiable reason for it. I assue you don't object to descrimination against drunk drivers or not allowing children to ger drvers licenes. And I see no problem with discriminating against suiside bombers. When the Palestinians stop attacking the Isrealis than the kind of checkpoints you seem so concerned about would not be necessary.


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Created: 1:06 AM 3/12/2007
Last updated: 1:06 AM 3/12/2007