Oriental Jewish Refugees (Mizrahim): Yemenis--Assimilation Schools

Figure 1.--Here is one of the special schools Israel set up for the Yemeni Jews arriving as part of operation Magic Carpet. Unfortunately we do not know anything about the schools yet. This looks like a class fairly soon after their arival. And given the teacher is a nurse, the class is probably a health/sanitation lecture. Click ob the image to see the insription on the back. Let is know if you can translate it.

Israel set up special schools for the Yemeni Jews brought to the country as part of Operation Magic Carpet. We know little about these schools at this time. We do not even know much about the language that Yeneni schools. We note references to Judeo-Yemeni Arabic as well as Yenmeite Hebrew. And as a small minority in Yemen, some muxg have spoke standard Yemenite Arabic. Education is important to all Jewish communities. Jews in Yemen had their traditiinal schools. Late in the Ottoman era, officials offered to create more secular Jewish schools, but thre was little interest among Yemen's conservative Jewish community. [Tobi, p. 184.] This of course is what the Israelis set up for the arriving Yemeni Jews. The laguage of instruction must have been Hebrew, but other than that we have not been able to find any infirmation about the schools.


Tobi, Joseph. The Jews of Yemen: Studies in Their History and Culture (Brill: 1999), 301p.


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Created: 1:44 PM 12/30/2017
Last updated: 1:44 PM 12/30/2017