The Wehrmacht: NAZI Occupation Force--Role

Figure 1.--Here is a notice posted by a Wehrmacht commander somewhere in the Soviet Union (August 1942). It is difficult to read, but a HBC reader has been able to decipher somde of it. It is printed in German and Russian. The heading reads: BEKANNTMACHUNG AN DIE BEVÖLKERUNG (ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE CITIZENS). The rest is barely lerdigible, we came up with the following:
1. Die deutsche Wehrmacht hat dank ......... Partisanen .......... wird erschossen. (The German army has thank to ........... partisans ............... will be shot.)
2. Jeder Angehörige einer Partisanen ........ wird erschossen. (Every member of a partisan .....will be shot.)
3 Jeder der den Angehörigen der Partisanen Hilfe und Unterstützung (Everyone who helps and supports the partisans will be shot.)
4. Jeder der ......... wird erschossen (Everybody who .........will be shot.)
5. ................... erhält eine Belohnung in Geld und Lebensmittel. ( .......................... will receive a reward in money and groceries.)"
Signed: Der Befehlshaber (The Commandant)
Not mentioned here is the Wehrmachjt tendency to take hostages (at first mosdtly Jews) and to shoot the hostages in case of partisan attacks. Image courtesy of Military History Of the 20th Century website.

The Wehrmacht over the course of the War saw itself involved in the occupation of most of Western, Central, and much of Eastern Europe. The Wehrmacht not only conducted the military operations invading the various countries, but also played a role in the resulting occupation. The role varied from country to country. In many acases, military rule involved a relstively short period during the German invasion. It was quickly replaced by civilian authorities. Security services then played key roles in the occupation. In a few ares, the Wehrmacht remained the principal occupation authority. And in some areas, North Africa and the Soviet Union, the area was in a constant state of flux because of the swing back and forth of military fortunes. It was the Whermacht in all areas, however, with its large, heavily armed force that was the primary group underwriting the occupation throughout German controlled Europe. It was the Wehrmacht that manned control points and could muster the force needed to deal with any substantial show of resistance. The Wehrmacht also had an anti-partisan role, primarily in the Soviet Union, Poland, and the Balkans. Here massive attricities wee committed against civilians. And into the final 2 years of the War, as the Red Army pressed forward, the Wehrmacht retreated West and followed orders to ruthless pursue a scorched earth policy. This meant that the people in the liberated areas would suffer for many years after the War from hardship and economic disruption.


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Created: 3:56 AM 4/5/2012
Last updated: 3:56 AM 4/5/2012