*** World War I -- Russian Army

World War I: Russian Imperial Army

Figure 1.--

Russia had the largest army in the world and with its huge population had the capability to mobilze an immense force. The Russian Army in the early-19th century had been the most powerful force in Europe. The Russians had played a key role in defeating Napoleon in the Napoleonic Wars The Russians had destroyed Napoleon's Grand Armee during the retreat from Moscow (1812). The Russian Army helped police the conservative regime implaced with the the Congress of Vienna. The Russians intervened to defeat the 1848 revolutions in central Europe. The Russians did not keep up Western Europe during the Industrial Revolution. This findamentally changed the ballnce of power in Europe as was first seen during the Crimean War (1853-56). Thus while massive, the Russian Army in the early 19th century no longer dominated Europe. The unification and industrialization of Germany, deamatically changed the European power ballance. Russian in the early 20th century had a rapidly growing industrial sector, but it was small in coparison to Germany. Russia did not have the ability to equip its army with modern weapons as was the case for the Germans. The Russian army was not as well trained or as well equipped as the Germans. Nor did plans exist for the rapid mobilization of reserves. Mobilization the Imperial Army would take condiserble time. The Germans had the most efficent mobilization systen in Europe and thus was prepared to strike first if the Russians began to mobilize.


Russia had the largest army in the world and with its huge population had the capability to mobilze an immense force. This would be a force far larger than Germany or any other European power could mobilize. Europeans at the time would be aware of the huge role the Russian Army had plated in Europe during the 18th and first half of the 19th century. The Crimean War (1853-56) and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-05) had raised questions about the powe of the Russian Army.

19th Century

The Russian Army in the early-19th century had been the most powerful force in Europe. The Russians had played a key role in defeating Napoleon in the Napoleonic Wars The Russians had destroyed Napoleon's Grand Armee during the retreat from Moscow (1812). The Russian Army helped police the conservative regime implaced with the the Congress of Vienna. The Russians intervened to defeat the 1848 revolutions in central Europe. The Russians did not keep up Western Europe during the Industrial Revolution. This findamentally changed the ballnce of power in Europe as was first seen during the Crimean War (1853-56). Thus while massive, the Russian Army in the early 19th century no longer dominated Europe.

Industrial Capacity

The unification and industrialization of Germany, deamatically changed the European power ballance. Russian in the early 20th century had a rapidly growing industrial sector, but it was small in coparison to Germany. Russia did not have the ability to equip its army with modern weapons as was the case for the Germans. The Russian army was not as well trained or as well equipped as the Germans. And not fully appreciated in the pre-War period was the extent to which industry would play in the development and production of weapons with enormous killing capscity. Russian in the early 19th century was on an industrial part with Western Europe and its huge population gave it adecided advantage. This equatiin was reversed by the turn of the 20th century. Russian industry was growing, but behind that of the West and German's industrial superiority gave it an importabnt anf underappreciated advantage.


We do not yet have details on the Russian conscription law. We do not know how many men were conscripted, the ages, or the length of service. Nor do we have information on the cadet training program. We think there was sime kind of training program in te secondary schools, but do not yet have details.


The Russians did not have plans for the rapid mobilization of reserves. Mobilization the Imperial Army would take condiserble time. The Germans had the most efficent mobilization systen in Europe wwith their modern communications and rail system. Thus the German strategyy was to strike first if the Russians ordered a mobilization.


Sons of the Regiment


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Created: 5:48 AM 12/20/2007
Last updated: 10:29 PM 7/30/2017