*** World War I: motorized vehicles countries United States

World War I Motorcycles:Country Trends--United States

Figure 1.--Motor vehicles were used for the first time in sdignificsant numbers by militaries during World War I. And the United tastes was the most important producer of motorcycles snd other motor vehicles. Here we see American children having fun on an Indian Motorcycle in the 1910s. At the time Indian dominsted the ASmerican market and would be the orimary supplier of motircyckes to the U,S. Army and the British and French.

At the time of World War, the motorcycle had developed as big business in the United States. It could have been larger, but Henry Ford's Model-T Tin Lizzie brought the price of a car so low, that most comsumers chose the car. The motircycle industry was dominated by Indian which introduced the Big Twin engine which doubled the power (1916). Smaller upstart Harly-Dabidson worked on its suspension. The U.S. Army began using motorcycles even before the War broke out in Europe. General John J. Pershing was ordered to arrest Pancho Villa who staged attacks across the border (1913). As part of that operation, American forces used Harley-Davidson motorcycles. One third of the company's production was solds to the military (1917). When the United States finally entered the War in Europe (1917), the motorcycle was being widely used by the major combatant countries. Indian which dominated the market at the timne, concentrated on producung for the U.S. Army when America entered the War (1917). The U.S. Army used an estimated 20,000 motorcycles during the War. Indian produced far more, a total of 50,000 to supply the Allies as well. The Indian Big Twin with rear suspension made it the best mororcycle at the time. The Harley Model 17 was powered by a 61-cubic-inch F-head engine (15 horsepower) cupled with a simple 3-speed transmission that was mounted to the gas tank. The American motorcycles proved highly versitile. They could be equipped with a ride range of accessories, including hospital stretchers, passenger sidecars, shields, and fully automatic machine guns. The first American to enter Germany after the Armistice (November 11, 1918) is believed to have been motorcycle dispatch rider Cpl. Roy Holtz. Harley produced a much smaller number, but continued to supply civilian orders as well. Harley's focus on its civilin customers and dealers proved very beneficil after the War. Indian found it difficult to reposition itself in the civilian production market after the War. Harley as a result would evenbtually surpass Indian in the inter-war period. .


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Created: 10:33 PM 8/30/2018
Last updated: 6:48 PM 6/6/2023