Allied Strategic Bombing Campaign: Dresden--Historical Assessment

Figure 1.--

The Dresden raid is a matter of considerable political controversy. Some arguments can be easily addressed. The raid was not genocide. Neither the Western Allies or the Soviets practiced genocide in Germany as can be seen in the occupation. Genocide was the official policy of the NAZI state which it executed against the H=Jews and Gypseys and were prepared to persue against the Slavs. Other issues are more complicated. More difficult is the charge that Dresden was Allied terror bombing. NAZI Propganda Minister first used this term, but then again both he and Hitler used the term early in the war to threaten other countries. (It seems heighth of callouness to threaten and carry out terror bombings and then complain when your own cities are bombed.) Just because evil people make a charge, however, does not mean that it is incorrect. There seems little difference between NAZI terror bombing and British area bombing. That said the question arises, was it a war crime? Before the War began, bombing civilian populations was looked on as a war crime. But then the question arises if your enemu bombs your cities can you then bomb his cities with no moral aporbrium. It seems unrealistic to argue that the Allies should not have bombed German cities after the NAZis initiated the practice. Then the question becomes is the fact that the War was winding down and because Dresden which was not involved in major weapons manufacturing programs that it should not have been targeted. This seems a more reasonable question and one which we cannot yet address with any authority without further information. Some right-wing elements decry the deaths of thousands of innocent women and children. Sadness over these deaths has to affect anyone looking at the Dresden raid. It is notable, however, that many of the right-wing writers who make this argument often when confronted about NAZI attrocities turn to the explanation that terrible things always occur in war. Other ask just what innocent meant and point to the fact that Dresden and Saxony were an area of strong NAZI support. But did that justify the bombing of the city. Another issue concerning Dresden is the issue of German suffering in rhe War, not only the bombing but also the fefugees driven out of Eastern Europe. We would say that this topic has not received the due historical assessment. We note that German authors have begun to give this subject more attention. We also note that we have not yet noted in that assessment a detailed treatment of the degree to which erhnic German populations in occupied countries cooperated with NAZI officials in the perpetration of attrocties and war crimes.


The Dresden raid is a matter of considerable political controversy. Some arguments can be easily addressed. The raid was not genocide. Neither the Western Allies or the Soviets practiced genocide in Germany as can be seen in the occupation. Genocide was the official policy of the NAZI state which it executed against the H=Jews and Gypseys and were prepared to persue against the Slavs. Other issues are more complicated.

Terror Bombing

More difficult is the charge that Dresden was Allied terror bombing. NAZI Propganda Minister first used this term, but then again both he and Hitler used the term early in the war to threaten other countries. (It seems heighth of callouness to threaten and carry out terror bombings and then complain when your own cities are bombed.) Just because evil people make a charge, however, does not mean that it is incorrect. There seems little difference between NAZI terror bombing and British area bombing.

War Crime

The next question is if the bombing of Dresden was a war crime. Before the War began, bombing civilian populations was looked on as a war crime. But then the question arises if your enemu bombs your cities can you then bomb his cities with no moral aporbrium. It seems unrealistic to argue that the Allies should not have bombed German cities after the NAZis initiated the practice. Then the question becomes is the fact that the War was winding down and because Dresden which was not involved in major weapons manufacturing programs that it should not have been targeted. This seems a more reasonable question and one which we cannot yet address with any authority without further information. Some right-wing elements decry the deaths of thousands of innocent women and children. Sadness over these deaths has to affect anyone looking at the Dresden raid. It is notable, however, that many of the right-wing writers who make this argument often when confronted about NAZI attrocities turn to the explanation that terrible things always occur in war. Other ask just what innocent meant and point to the fact that Dresden and Saxony were an area of strong NAZI support. But did that justify the bombing of the city. Another issue concerning Dresden is the issue of German suffering in rhe War, not only the bombing but also the fefugees driven out of Eastern Europe. We would say that this topic has not received the due historical assessment. We note that German authors have begun to give this subject more attention. We also note that we have not yet noted in that assessment a detailed treatment of the degree to which erhnic German populations in occupied countries cooperated with NAZI officials in the perpetration of attrocties and war crimes.


Reinhard, Olivar. The Red Glow.

Snyder, Louis L. Historical Guide to World War II (1982).


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Created: 2:08 AM 2/15/2005
Last updated: 4:50 AM 2/17/2005